Mobile application that coaches employees on mental well-being

User ExperienceMobile Development
Mobile Development/FlutterAWS


The Pulso Group has a wealth of knowledge and expertise around (mental) well-being at work. We help them transform their offline models into interactive digital tools.

The first project we tackled together was Reboost, a mobile application meant to measure and improve the mental well-being of employees within a professional organisation.

Pulso logo



Build a tool that measures mental well-being and dispenses targeted advise.


Package Pulso’s know-how in an easy to use step-by-step mobile application.


A lightweight mobile application that runs on all devices.


The Reboost app is available on all mobile stores.


Conducting a mental health check is still a hurdle for lots of people so we knew we had to make using our solution as frictionless as possible.

From the very start we paid special attention to UX and accessibility, we ran usability tests, we conducted user interviews and based our decision on usage analytics.

We also discovered that the value of the tool massively increased with repeat usage, having it join adoption rate as our two core KPIs.

Ideation Workshop

UX Design

Usage Analytics


Alongside the experts at Pulso, we created a set of self-service tests and packaged them into a mobile application.

Each test focuses on one specific domain of mental well-being and takes only a few minutes to complete.

Based on the outcome of the test, the user's profile and his/her history, the application will dispense a set of exercises and targeted advise.


The Reboost application was a first step towards strengthening Pulso's offering with digital tools. Feedback from early adopters is very positive and we are eagerly awaiting for more usage statistics to roll out of the system.

Building on the mutual trust that was created by the successful completion of the project, we have now shifted our focus to their employee engagement and employee assistance programs.